
Far cry 2 difficulty
Far cry 2 difficulty

Here is our comprehensive Far Cry 5 difficulty guide! What Difficulty Levels are Available in Far Cry 5? So, with that in mind, we want to run through the difficulty levels in Far Cry 5 and tell you all there is to know about each setting. As the saying goes, different strokes for different folks. For some, the narrative may be the part they wish to absorb and the combat is merely filler content, whereas there are players that don’t mind the painstaking difficulty of combat at the higher difficulty levels. Hardcore is best, it's difficult, but not over the top.Far Cry 5 is a game that aims to offer a comprehensive set of difficulty settings that allow the player to take part in a campaign that is as challenging or as simple as they wish. Infamous is a nice challenge, but it's ridiculously difficult. I played on normal and switched to hardcore half way through. (example, the jackal might say in his creepy sadistic voice: "You really thought I would follow through on my promise to put a bullet in my own head? You must be crazy." "Casual Consumer Zombie" we become a new person who has to kill the jackal- and then jackal explains what happened in far cry 2. I hope that in far cry 3 we either get to play as the jackal. (example, the jackal might say in his creepy sadistic voice: "You really thought I would follow through on my promise to put a bullet in my own head? You must be crazy." PS: I liked the ending- I think it is good that the play commits suicide. and about 2/3 of the way through I started playing with infinite ammo and godmode because I really wanted to know the ending of the game. and it takes forever for him to finish games compared to me. My older brother on the other hand likes the challenge of hard difficulty in most games but he always seems to forget to reload after a short battle- and then he gets mad that he always reloads in the middle of a new battle. I play every game on easy because I simply do not have the time to play games on higher difficulties. I just hope at the end of the day there is still a difficulty setting that is challenging. I don't see all of this happening so I am curious as to what the outcome will be. Still, to counterbalance this we need lower health for our character, sniper rifles that require some skill (add sway), realistic bullet velocity and drop instead of ultra-steady/accurate death rays, etc. All of these have been vigorously complained about, and I agree with much of what is being said. I just don't want them to lower enemy health, decrease AI's awareness, make high ground more accessible, etc. Still, it is probably the best solution and I am fine with that. But then this throws the whole styrette/health thing out the window.


Everyone is complaining about enemies taking too many hits, which I agree with, but I don't see how to balance it other than having the player only take one or two hits before dying. One of my biggest concerns with patching is that they will make the game too easy.

far cry 2 difficulty far cry 2 difficulty

As AI improves, it seems the player is given other ways to comensate (nanosuits in Crysis, slow-mo mode of F.E.A.R, Fallout 3 has V.A.T.S, etc.) I am not saying I am anything special, but it just seems that games have gotten easier over the years in some ways. I already always play with no crosshair, dead is dead (restart), etc. I hate to impose artificial limitations on myself just to make a game challenging but sometimes you have no choice. Even a game like Crysis, which I enjoyed for a time, is too easy. If the game (difficulty) doesn't make me plan/think, then I lose interest quickly. If I wanted to be able to Rambo everything I would play DOOM 3 or something similar. I like to plan everything and survival is always my top priority. Infamous, I found "hardcore" way too easy.

Far cry 2 difficulty